However, he is able to sense that their souls are crying tears of blood. But all three Specters attack Mu at once. Even though he received Camus and Shura's attacks, Mu stands strong. The figures surrounding Mu reveal themselves as the Gold Saints Capricorn Shura, Aquarius Camus, and Gemini Saga, also revived by Hades and after Athena's head. After receiving the Silver Saints' attacks, Shiryu easily kills them with his Rising Dragon. The figures reveal themselves as the former Silver Saints Perseus Argol, Auriga Capella, and Cerberus Dante, who were revived thanks to Hades' power. At Lushan, the figures ask Shunrei for the whereabouts of Shiryu and Roshi, but Shiryu, still blind, comes to her rescue. Shaina orders Nachi and Ichi to set fire to the remaining graves, while Jabu discovers that three more Gold Saints were revived. Deathmask and Aphrodite have been vanquished, but three more figures approach Mu. As Roshi leaves, three shadowy figures approach Shunrei. At Lushan's Waterfalls, Roshi tells Shunrei he is leaving and might never come back, telling her to not let Shiryu leave her side and wishing Seiya and the others would live peacefully as normal teenagers after fighting for so long. Mu blocks Deathmask and Aphrodite's paths once more and defeats them with Starlight Extinction. The shadowy figure deduce that Mu teleported Seiya instead of destroying him. However, Mu strikes Seiya from the back, and as Deathmask moves in for the kill, Mu tosses him aside and seemingly destroys Seiya with his Starlight Extinction. In disbelief, Seiya wears his Pegasus Cloth, even though its damaged, and battles Deathmask, easily overpowering him. Mu also tells him that under Saori's orders, Seiya and his friends are no longer welcome in the Sanctuary, and are to be killed if they disobey. The true reason the Gold Saints revived in this era, is in order to defeat Hades and his army. Mu explains that Hades is Athena's true enemy and wants to destroy her to rule the Earth. Suddenly, Seiya comes to Mu's rescue, but is shocked to see the dead Gold Saints alive again. Mu blocks their path and is struck by Deathmask. The figure destroys the Crystal Wall and has Deathmask and Aphrodite go and kill Athena. Now Hades' Specters, they attack, but Mu is able to block and reflect their techniques with his Crystal Wall. Since they sold their souls to Hades, he offered them new lives, bodies, and Surplices, armors from the Underworld, resembling their Gold Cloths. Two Gold Saints whose lives were lost in the Battle of the 12 Houses, Cancer Deathmask and Pisces Aphrodite. When he refuses, two more figures appear. He orders Mu to bring him Athena's head in 12 hours. At the House of Aries, a shadowy figure approaches Mu, who seems familiar to him. At the Sanctuary, Nachi, Ichi and Shaina notice that graves from the Saints' graveryard have been disturbed, with the bodies coming out from the inside. The spirits of the 108 Specters, Hades' soldiers, are now free. On a tower that Roshi has been observing, the seal Athena placed ages ago has lost its effect. It has been 243 years since the previous Holy War between Athena and Hades, God of the Underworld.